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Scanner showing wrong mac address for Raspberry Pi that has both ethernet and wifi enabled?

The following scan shows ONLY the ethernet interface MAC address for 2 ip addresses on the same device.  This can NOT be right.  The first address is ethernet, the second address if WiFi.  The WiFi MAC is definitely NOT the same as the ethernet MAC.  Yes, I redacted the domain name and most of the MAC address.

Comments 1
I found several other instances of this, even my LG TV, that has booth ethernet and wifi enabled... as a test... shows the SAME EXACT ISSUE... ONLY the ethernet MAC is show even on the WiFi interface.  So this is consistent across ANY DEVICE that has 2 interfaces enabled.  In very case, where I have ethernet and WiFi enabled on a given device.  Interesting, this is the type of error I would think QA/QC process would catch, oops!
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