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unknown device expressif

Has any one run into an unused expressif device on your ethernet?
I have 4 ethernet devices and Wyyerd gateway shows 1 inactive device and I want to remove it but dont know
where its coming from. I should only have 2 PCs, Roku and a printer.  I did try disconnecting my ethernet devices one at a time, but epressif remains.  Device list  shows MAC  as Standard Empressif Systems' chip set company


I though these chips were primarily used to connect IoT devices to Wi-Fi networks.

I can not delete devices with Wyyerd gateway software (EXOS) and I dont want to have to reset the router and create a new pw and connections to my WiFi devices.

Adv IP scanner only shows it as unknown, attached screen shot

Comments 2
Radmin Club Team
That because  this device was previously on the network and now it is not.
I did try to connect to a Kidde Leak Detector but it was too far away from my router to consistently connect with WiFi  so I added a Amped AC2600 WiFi extender that I had laying around.  I saw a post on Redit that Kiddle can create espressif device attachments BUT should be WiFi not ethernet?  How I got a ethernet connected espressif is strange.  I did once plug the AC2600 into my Wyyerd ethernet port to do the setup.  I tried to use Fing on my iPad to look at what was connected to the extended WiFi and no espressif device showed up.  I do see Fing will block and would block it if it showed up.
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