I have been experimenting with Arduino running mDNS (Bonjour) and this is not it, the arduino just has it's IP address filled in as "name". Other devices on my network present an actual name in this colum (e.g. WDTVLIVEHUB) and I've tried to use Wireshark to capture the message(s) that send this data but there is such a flood of messages it's hard to work through them.
Suffice to say it's not Ping and it's not mDNS(Bonjour) so any advice would be gratefully received.
It is NETBIOS Name
You need to go to Settings-Options-Resources and choose NETBIOS Name.
to get it corrected.
please add some more info:
- arp -a request result to the problem ip
- send screenshots in details
You can use ,for example - google disk, then send to us a link.