There are 3 ways to fix this problem:
Try to install Advanced Port Scanner as administrator (using administrator rights).
Try to enter the installation path on your own (using advanced setting during the installation), there might be incorrect symbols.
Install Advanced Port Scanner in some folder on other PC and copy this folder on your PC.
How to remove “dead” PC`s from scanning result.
You need to delete stored data. You can find this option in the following way: Advanced IP Scanner -> Settings -> Options -> Misc -> Clear scan history.
Scanning doesn`t show all devices in the network.If you need the most detailed information, you have to increase accuracy (Settings -> Options -> Performance).
There is a device without MAC-address or Manufacturer in my results.This information is unavailable if these devices are in other subnetworks.
I need to show/hide dead PC in results of scanning.You need to open Advanced IP Scanner -> View and choose “Show dead/alive/unknown”
What is SW?