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Dying Light a guide for solid LAN play

dying light how to play coop.jpg

In order to run local coop you need to complete the prologue (Training at the start)

1.       Install Radmin VPN

2.       Create your Network by pushing a button "Create Network". No registration needed. Or you can use Public networks, disregard next step if so

3.       Get your friends to join your network. To do it they need to know Name of the network and password

Here is also a guide on how to create and manage the network.

To host a server PC you need to make a lobby.

Here is how you do it:

  1. Main menu -> Play -> Play Campaign ->
  2. In Online Options make sure that Game Type set to LAN
Online Options.PNG

Then go Back and choose the game or create a new one  

To join the created game:

  • Make sure that your game versions are the same
  • Make sure you’re in the same Radmin VPN network
  • Launch the game, then press escape and choose “Matchmaking” -> Find games
The game will search for available coops and you should see the shared game in the end.

If it doesn't work -  try the tricks at the beginning described in this guide first five steps.

And here you go! Playing with your pals!

Comments 8
i still can't connect to my friend's game. I have connected to the same Radmin Connection but I still can't see my friend's game in my matchmaking>find games menu. Please Help
try these settings  

Check your firewall settings. You need to open ports that the game you`re playing in is using on your local PC to etsablish connection.
After doing it all it still does not work
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!! I searched so many places for a way to play coop with my friend and I did urs as a last attempt.. I wasn't even hopeful that it would work but IT DID WORK!!!! I'm so happy thank you... I played dying light with my friend at last😌
Da pra jogar por Lan, no Pc junto com meu amigo do PS4? (Na mesma rede wi-fi. Lan)
So I used radmin VPN successfully with my friends for quite a few days ..then I updated my PC and it stopped working....I tried rolling back and its still not working..I tried everything...forcebindip....ipbroadcast...disable firewall...nothing helped ..any help would be appreciated
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