When your Windows 10 PC is connected to a network with data limits or steep
pay-as-you-go charges, it's crucial to monitor your data usage so you don't end
up with a surprise on your bill.
The best way to accomplish that task is by telling Windows 10 that the
connection is metered, and then monitoring your usage fr om that connection.
You'll find all the controls you need in Settings > Network & Internet.
Click Status > Change Connection Properties to display the Set As Metered
Connection switch. Windows automatically configures some types of mobile
connections as metered, but you can turn that option off if you're confident
that your data plan can handle whatever you throw at it.
For metered and non-metered connections, click Data Usage to see your totals
fr om each available network. If the current network is metered, click its entry
to see more details. If you're on a one-time data plan, or to change the reset
date for a monthly plan, click Set Lim it. On that same page, you'll also find a
Background Data option that allows you to lim it what Store apps and Windows
features can do in the background.