My both computers on different network are connected on radmin vpn, I can ping the radmin generated IP but cant ping my local IP of please what will I do?
Its normal ,because they are on different networks, so you cant ping the remote PC using its local IP address, but you can do this using its Radmin VPN address cause they are on the same virtual network in Radmin VPN.
You should create a new Radmin VPN network and both PCs (local and remote) should enter this network. Thus you could ping the remote PC from the local one using contect menu in Radmin VPN (rigth click on the remote PC) or via Windows Command Line, using the remote PC IP address given by Radmin VPN (26.***.***.***).
I have a software am using for accounting purpose in my office, connected to all my LAN computers. can radmin also enable me access the software remotely for me to post my vouchers? since I can not ping the local IP?
Its not clear what you mean. Could you provide more information? You can also submit a ticket We`ll do our best to help you to fix this problem.
Its normal ,because they are on different networks, so you cant ping the remote PC using its local IP address, but you can do this using its Radmin VPN address cause they are on the same virtual network in Radmin VPN.
You should create a new Radmin VPN network and both PCs (local and remote) should enter this network. Thus you could ping the remote PC from the local one using contect menu in Radmin VPN (rigth click on the remote PC) or via Windows Command Line, using the remote PC IP address given by Radmin VPN (26.***.***.***).
purpose in my office, connected to all my
LAN computers.
can radmin also enable me access the software
remotely for me to post my vouchers?
since I can not ping the local IP?
Its not clear what you mean. Could you provide more information?
You can also submit a ticket
We`ll do our best to help you to fix this problem.