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Relay connection vs direct connection

Is there a way to force each connection to receive a direct connection in Radmin VPN? Any computer with a direct connection seems to do things over the network at great speeds, but I have a bunch of computers that are getting a relayed connection and are really slow. Ping times for direct are around 50ms and can access network shares fast, but ping times for relayed connections are over 400ms and when they try to browse a network share it is SUPER slow.
Comments 6
What determines if a computer receives a direct connection or a relayed connection anyway? And why is a relayed connection so slow?
I have about 30 connections and I would say that 95% of them are relayed (yellow). There should be a way to configure things so that they get direct tunnels. Outside of that, those connections are basically useless as they are SOOOOO slow.

If those connections must go through Radmin-VPNs servers, then they need to up their speed pass through. But Ideally, they fix it so the connections are able to be direct.
c resolver isso para que a conexão seja direta

It depends on your network topology.
So, I ended up switching back to Hamachi. They also occasionally will have relayed connections, but they are WAY faster. Also relayed connection don't happen very often. In fact, when I switched my 30+ connections to Hamachi, I didn't get a single relayed connection. Things are working so much faster. Unless Radmin VPN can come up with a better solution, Hamachi is worth the cost. I would have paid for Radmin VPN if it worked better. I'm hoping they get things figured out as they mature in this area. Time will tell.

Relay connection is not an error.Its one of Radmin VPN connection type that takes place when direct connection is not possible. There are a lot of factors like many routers between Radmin VPN and Internet, NATs, firewalls, network topology, router settings, closed ports and etc.
Here some ways to avoid this connection type, but they dont guarantee non relayed connection:
1. Both PCs (local and remote) are placed in the same network.
2. Both PCs (local and remote) can ping each other.
3. Both PCs (local and remote) have direct IP address.
4. Both PCs (local and remote) have firewall turned off.
5. Routers have default settings.
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