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Some things about radmin VPN in mainland China

1. I can’t access the official website for download (I can access it in the first few months), I can only go to the official website with a VPN, but I still ca n’t download
2. In China, many people (at least 50%) have permanent yellow or green lights but high latency
3. Now entering the official Minecraft network but the room is not displayed in Minecraft (may be my problem)
Hope Radmin VPN can do better and better! After all, this is the best and most convenient way to play Minecraft in China! I hope you can pay attention to the situation of software in China! If done well, the MC industry in China will surely be on fire! Beyond Youxia (another international MC connection method now popular in China)
The above conversation does not mean angry or bad reviews. This is a timely feedback on the situation I encountered when using Radmin VPN in China.
Comments 3
Added: If the official website is inaccessible and cannot be downloaded, then updates cannot be obtained
Thank you a lot for letting us know! We will try to unblock it in the near future.
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