Game server setup
Step 1: Install Radmin VPN and create a network
Download and install Radmin VPN. In the main Radmin VPN window, click "Create Network".
Enter the network name, password and click "Create".
Step 2: Ask your friends to join the network
Send your friends the name of the Radmin VPN network and the password to join to this network.
Step 3: Run MX Bikes Step 4: Add the game to the firewall exceptions You need to add rules to the firewall. Open Radmin VPN -> System -> Firewall Exceptions and add "mxbikes.exe" to the exceptions.
Step 5: Dedicated server configuration Go to the game folder. Create a text file and copy there:
name = test
maxclient = 10
password =
admin_password =
bandwidth = ; 0 -> very low, 1 -> low, 2 -> medium, 3 -> high, 4 -> very high
max_ping = ; milliseconds. 0 -> no limit
whitelist = ; the filename of the whitelist
blacklist = ; the filename of the blacklist
polls_disable = ; if set to 1, polls are disabled
location = ; information about server location
MOTD = ; message of the day. Use "/r" to split the message in multiple lines.
results = ; "html", "xml" or "both". If set it will automatically export results at the end of the last session
directory = ; the directory where results will be saved ( must exist )
units = ; 0 -> metric units, 1 -> US units, 2 -> UK units
prefix = ; filename prefix of results
incremental = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, results are exported at the end of each session
contacts = ; 1 -> contacts between bikes are added to the XML export, 2 -> contacts with walls are exported, too
save = ; 0 or 1, If set to 1 it will automatically save the full replay at the end of the race
directory = ; the directory where replays will be saved ( must exist )
prefix = ; filename prefix of replays
name = ; the name of the event ( optional )
track = ; track ID ( the track folder name, for ex. Practice ). If no track is found, then it is searched in the full names ( for ex. Winchester MXoN )
track_layout = ; track layout ( for ex. Short ). Empty -> Default. If "track" is used to search in the full names, then "track_layout" is used as a second filter ( for ex. 2018 to choose between different versions of Nevada )
tracks_shuffle = ; 0 -> no shuffling, 1 -> shuffle the tracks at start only, 2 -> re-shuffle the tracks at the end of the list
category = ; bike category allowed. Empty -> Open. Multiple categories can be set with a slash in between. For example: MX1/MX2
allowed_bikes = ; list of ID of allowed bikes, separated by a slash. For example: 350xf/450xf
class = ; A -> 2000+, B -> 1600-1999, C -> 1200-1599, D -> 800-1199
realistic = ; 0 or 1, if set to 1, following params are ignored
conditions = ; 0 -> sunny, 1 -> cloudy, 2 -> rainy
temperature = ; air temperature, celsius
wind_direction = ; 0 -> north, 1 -> north-east, 2 -> east, ..., 7 -> north-west
wind_speed = ; meters/second
track_conditions = ; 0 -> dry, 1 -> wet
force_cockpit = ; 0 or 1
no_aids = ; 0 or 1
limited_tyre_sets = ; 0 or 1
type = ; 0 -> no bike reset delay, 1 -> fixed time, 2 -> time based on the distance of the rider from the bike, 3 -> time based on the crash speed
time = ; if "type" is set to 1, the delay time in milliseconds
open_practice = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, the following race settings are unused
format = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1 the qualify race is replaced by a qualify practice session. The pre-qualify session is skipped, too
quick_race = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1 all sessions except for warmup and race2 are skipped. The sighting lap is skipped, too
practice_length = ; minutes. If set to 0, the session is skipped
prequalify_length = ; minutes. If set to 0, the session is skipped
qualifypractice_length = ; minutes. If set to 0, the session is skipped
warmup_length = ; minutes. If set to 0, the session is skipped
sighting_lap = ; 0 or 1
race_length_format = ; 0 -> % of full length + 2 laps, 1 -> timed race + extra laps, 2 -> laps
race_length = ; % of full length. Only used if race_length_format is 0
race_minutes = ; only used if race_length_format is 1
race_extralaps = ; only used if race_length_format is 1
race_laps = ; only used if race_length_format is 2
restart_delay = ; server restart time in seconds. The default is 300, 5 minutes. If set at zero, there is no restart
pause = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, the event is paused and saved at the end of "pause_session"
pause_session = ; practice, prequalify, qualifypractice, qualify, warmup, race1 or race2
pause_directory = ; the directory where data is saved. The default is "resume"
resume = ; the file to load to resume an event
save = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, the event is saved at the end of "save_session". If "pause" is set, this setting is ignored
save_session = ; practice, prequalify, qualifypractice, qualify, warmup, race1 or race2
save_directory = ; the directory where data is saved. The default is "resume"
enable = ; 1 or 2 to enable live timing. If set to 1, data is sent through UDP packets ( more info: ). If set to 2, data is written to a local file
port = ; the UDP port ( only used with "enable = 1" ). If missing or set to 0, port 54220 is used
password = ; ( only used with "enable = 1" )
file = ; the name of the file to write ( only used with "enable = 2" )
track_position = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, the track centerline and the position of all bikes are written, too ( only used with "enable = 2" )
contacts = ; 1 -> contacts between bikes are written, 2 -> contacts with walls are written, too ( only used with "enable = 2" )
enable = ; 1 to enable remote admin ( more info: )
port = ; the UDP port. If missing or set to 0, port 54230 is used
password =
disable = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, collisions between bikes are disabled. The default is 1
max_ping = ; the ping over which collisions are disabled ( but high-ping clients still collide with the low-ping ones ). If set to 0, collisions are never disabled
scale = ; 0 to 1. 0 disables the terrain deformation ( values in between like 0.5 are allowed )
auto_reset = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, the terrain deformation is reset at the beginning of each session
disable = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, the dynamic track surface is disabled
persistent = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, the dynamic track surface is not reset between events
disable_during_races = ; 0 or 1. It set to 1, polls are disabled during races
file = ; the name of the file to write the dedicated server output to
Save as server.ini file.
Check and fill in the parameters in server.ini file if they are empty: name = test (name of the game server), maxclient = 10 (maximum number of gamers) and location = (insert here your IP address from Radmin VPN).
Step 6: Start dedicated server Create a text file and type there: "mxbikes.exe -dedicated 54210 -set params server.ini". Save as "start.bat".
Run "start.bat" file.
Game client setup
Step 1: Install Radmin VPN and connect to the network Download and install Radmin VPN. In the main Radmin VPN window, click "Join Network". Enter the Network Name and Password and click "Join".
Make sure you and your friends are on the same network.
Step 2: Run MX Bikes
Step 3: Add Rules to the Firewall
You need to add rules to the firewall. Open Radmin VPN -> System -> Firewall Exceptions and add "mxbikes.exe" to the exceptions.
Step 4: Connect to game server
Go to the game folder. Create a text file and type there: "mxbikes.exe -directconnect". Save as connect.bat. Run "connect.bat" file.