This guide will show how to set up a game for multiplayer via LAN. With Steam version or overwise.
General setup
To be able to play with friends you need to connect your computers in LAN with software like
Radmin VPNAnd you all need to be in the same network - gaming or private
Make sure everybody has the same
game version
How to create Terraria multiplayer server
You need to access Terraria Server file. There are two ways of doing it:
- if you have Steam version. In Steam go to Terraria -> Properties -> Tab Local files -> Browse local files. Local folder with all Terraria files should be opened. There you need to find file "start-server.bat" you need to double click on it
- if don't have Steam version. Right-click on the game icon on the desktop and Choose "Open file location". Local folder with all Terraria files should be opened. There you need to find the "TerrariaServer" file. Double click on it to launch.
After you've launched the file black command window will be opened
- type in 3 to create Builder's workshop or type "n" to create a New World then press Enter (depending on the game version list can be different, so please read all the instruction from the program carefully)
- type in number of players, maximum is 16, press Enter
- server port by default is 7777, just press Enter again
- automatically port forward? type in "y" and press Enter
- next you can setup server password or leave it blank. If you choose to have a password you need to share it with your teammates
- Press enter and you should see several progress report running in the window. In he end it should say - "Server started"
Now on to the game itself!
- Open Terraria, click on Play in the main menu -> Multiplayer -> Join via IP (or just Join) -> Choose a player and then enter your IP from Radmin VPN:
- Next enter the server port. By default it's 7777
- Enter the password if it's required
Send to your teammates your Radmin VPN IP, port (by default it's 7777) and server password if you set it up
How to join Terraria multiplayer server
- Make sure you've done all the steps from the General setup section of this article
- Open Terraria, click on Play in the main menu -> Multiplayer -> Join via IP (or just Join) -> Choose a player and then enter host's IP from Radmin VPN. If you don't know it right-click on his nickname in the Radmin VPN network and choose copy IP address

- Enter port number - by default it's 7777
- If server requires a password - the Host should tell you this one
And you're done! Enjoy the game :)
How to find teammates for multiplayer
Radmin VPN has some Terraria gaming networks
If you can't see your friends or any servers in the game:
- make sure you all have the same game version
- make sure you did all the steps in the instruction above
- try to turn off firewall, if it helped - add the game to the firewall exceptions:
- Click "Start" then "Connections" then "show all connections"
- Double-click your Internet connection, and then click "Properties", then "Advanced", then "Settings ..." (Windows firewall), then click "Exceptions
You must have the game files listed as exceptions
- To do so, via the "exceptions" menu, click on "Add a Program", double-click on the game.
4. If you're getting some errors with Radmin VPN here are the solutions to most of them