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Gaming Minecraft

Falha de conexão

quando estou jogando com meu amigo através da LAN, em poucos minutos aparece a mensagem de q a conexão foi cortada e eu sou expulso do mapa
Software Radmin VPN

захадите вместе играть в майнкрафт русски 12 канал

заходите майнкрафт русский 12 сервер версия 1.20 оптифаен
Software Radmin VPN

Trying to ping buddies times out

I have been trying to setup connection via radmin with my friend, I can ping myself just fine and other PC, but he can't ping himself even, He tried pinging me it showed general error, tried disabling firewall, didn't help

Any and all ideas are welcome!
Gaming Other games

Hepl me pls coonect to server in Factorio

i with my friend connected in Radmin, but game(pirate Factorio) doesn't see any servers in local system, have you any advices about it?
Software Advanced IP Scanner

unknown device expressif

Has any one run into an unused expressif device on your ethernet?
I have 4 ethernet devices and Wyyerd gateway shows 1 inactive device and I want to remove it but dont know
where its coming from. I should only have 2 PCs, Roku and a printer.  I did try disconnecting my ethernet devices one at a time, but epressif remains.  Device list  shows MAC  as Standard Empressif Systems' chip set company


I though these chips were primarily used to connect IoT devices to Wi-Fi networks.

I can not delete devices with Wyyerd gateway software (EXOS) and I dont want to have to reset the router and create a new pw and connections to my WiFi devices.

Adv IP scanner only shows it as unknown, attached screen shot

Software Radmin

Connects in File Transfer but it does not in FULL Control

Hi all RAdminers

In a Windows Server (modern version) I installed RAdmin server 3.5.2
In the client (Win 10 64) I have RAdmin client 3.5.2
I try to connect with FILE TRANSFER and it works just fine. I connect and transfer files.

I try to connect with FULL Control in order to see screen and use programs in the server and it displays the password box, I paste it there, then I see the very small icon of small computers (which means the password is correct) but it lasts only 2 seconds and then nothing happens. It never displays the remote (server) screen.

What's the problem???

Thank you for your response
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