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Software Radmin VPN

stardew valley connection failed

i tried to play with my friend with radmin vpn but in stardew valley when i try to join it says connection failed
Software Radmin VPN

Trace Router

Olá, estou com problema com um provedor, que em alguns pontos de acesso a VPN funciona muito bem, porém em outros a latência é muito grande, além de alguns momentos não fecha conexão.

O pessoal do provedor, pediu para que eu faça um trace route, mas não tenho o ip/dns para poder fazer.

Alguém consegue me ajudar nisso?


Software Advanced IP Scanner

Alive or Dead?

I have used Advanced IP Scanner for several years.  I have the latest version installed and have obtained reliable results until recently.   My View tab settings only have show alive checked. When I perform a scan of my IP range, 192.168.20.x, all 254 possible connections now show as alive with content displaying for truly live connections.  I have cleared my saved items, but most scans display in this manner.  Every once and awhile, the scan will yield the results I have historically received, i.e. only actual "live" connections being listed. .    
Software Advanced IP Scanner

pingable hosts show up as unknown in advanced ip scanner

ok so I have encountered this problem frequently with Advanced IP scanner and because of which I can no longer trust this to be my "go to" scanner. But I really like it and want it to work :-) especially this is one of the free scanners which are totally portable.

I can ping a device on a cmd line just fine.
But this software shows it as "unknown". (I have to enable "show unknown" first, otherwise it does not even show the device.

I have deleted the cache and scanned the whole subnet again, but results are the same.

If it helps, some of these rogue devices are a APC UPS which is not responding to any SSH, telnet or HTTP, but it does respond to ping requests.
Software Radmin VPN

Radmin VPN Doesn't Connect

The Radmin VPN that I have had on my laptop for several years will no longer connect.  I open Radmin VPN and select Turn On.  The word Connecting displays but Radmin VPN does not connect.  The word Connecting just continues.  I have tried uninstalling Radmin, rebooting, and reinstalling Radmin but that did not help.  I use Radmin to play a very old online game, Mechwarrior 4.  Radmin works fine on my Desktop computer to play this same game.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Old Dell laptop, Windows 10, Windows Defender running.
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