Hello, I have 2 friends, friend A I get very high ping, 250ms and if I for example try to join his minecraft world or do anything the ping goes very high and it is basically impossible to play. Friend B however I have like 5ms, however friend B have like 25ms to friend A, so if I can connect to B and B can connect to A, I don't really know where the problem causing this relay connection to happen.
I checked the logs, here are two instances of it
2024.10.12 19:56:12.186 INFO Switched On
2024.10.12 19:56:13.666 INFO Connected to server (15)
2024.10.12 19:56:15.083 INFO Connected to friend B via UDP/outgoing
2024.10.12 20:28:45.967 INFO Connected to friend A via TcpRelay/incoming
2024.10.12 20:28:47.395 INFO Channel to friend A is replaced by TCP/incoming
2024.10.12 20:32:38.844 INFO Connected to server (15)
2024.10.12 20:32:40.297 INFO Connected to friend B via UDP/outgoing
2024.10.12 20:32:40.669 INFO Connected to friend A via TcpRelay/outgoing
2024.10.12 20:32:42.020 INFO Channel to friend A is replaced by UDP/outgoing
¡Atención, gamers! 🎮
¡Se viene una emocionante partida de Call of Duty TeknoMW3 en LAN a través de Radmin VPN!
🐘 teknoMW3
🖥 servidor: MW3 WAPACHA
🌐 radmin VPN: SOFTGame-LAN
📡 IP:
🧑🏻 jugadores online: ?
🔝 Capacidad del servidor: 18
🗺 Mapa Actual: default
🎮 Modo de Juego: Contra Todos; Coop
🎧 Discord:
https://discord.gg/FEAqzm2Y🚀 Telegram:
https://t.me/gamesmultimediasS3¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de demostrar tus habilidades y disfrutar de una gran experiencia de juego con amigos! ¡Nos vemos en el campo de batalla! 💥
Картина маслом: двухпроцессорный сервак на EPYC 9754.
256 ядер
512 логических процессоров
OS Windowы 10 professional ( тапки не кидайте - так надо )
запускается наш собственный апликейшен с тяжелым матаном.
Рассчет идет на 512 потоков длится 16 секунд. 100% загрузка абсолютно всех ядер.
Шаг два: с другой машины ( в этой же локалке ) конектимся к серверу EPYC и запускаем точно такой же матан.
Рассчет идет на 512 потоков длится 68 секунд!!!.
Только треть ядер имеет 100% загрузку все остальные ядра от 10 до 30% загрузку.
Вопрос: что за бесовскую черную магию радмин делает с системой? И как это лечить?
PS тут вопрос наверное больше к разрабам в криворукость которых я не верю. Но факты на лицо.
eca aparecendo que estou offline
As it says in the post title. The game won't actually load the connection between me and some other friends. Whenever i turn off the other vpn it works. Now the reason why I am connected to an another VPN is because I've read somewhere that anyone can know my real IP address through a VPN network. I was actually curious about this and scared about it. Since no one wants to throwing his IP address here and there. Anyone can validate this please? I mean if the real IP address can be known through a Radmin VPN network designed for gaming. Note that no Radmin server or anything is installed. ONLY the Radmin VPN.