So, we're online right now, but even if you read this post when we're not here are the details we agreed upon so you can join us, ping is great between 90 and 100, very responsive. Preferably be somewhere in Central or Eastern Europe and you can play with us at 1pm and 7pm GMT+1 for an hour of intense shooting in Siege, during weekend, Saturday and Sunday. We may host outside of this time, that's why there is a chatting group created for this here:
https://riot.im/app/#/room/#rainbowsixsiegeradmin:matrix.orgJoin riot.im free chatting service, no personal details are needed to join. My user is rainbowgamer and a new gamer that joined is bioshock5. I still need to inform a few other gamers if they join my host, but that will depend on them if they will or won't read this or decide to join like they did 2 weeks ago. Looking forward to killing you!
Join us
https://discord.gg/CYBvAk7We play:
Rainbow Six Siege 1.3 Vanilla
Ghost Recon Wildlands
Gears 5
Call of Duty WW2 with all DLC
Call of Duty BO2
Sniper Elite 4
Battlefield 4
and more...
Server with full 'tutorial' for every game!
Complete captcha sent by bot to gain full access on discord.
This is the version you need to have and you need to enable it in your firewall by ticking both checkboxes and then clicking apply at the bottom of the list.
https://mega.nz/folder/WphCTJ5K#Yn56BX6PHe5RME0IXgDdOQ/folder/q14WBbqIAs explained there's no password for any of these games to play, you just click join in the game while you're connected to the Radmin VPN and if I'm hosting you will see me in the list, you click that game in the list, it will say Rainbow6something or something like that (nick which you can set in codex.ini in game's folder). I can host around 11am CET to maybe12:30am Saturday and Sunday, but if I'm not there, you can post a comment here and if I get it then I will get back to you asap so we can arrange the play.
When I say click in the list, it's not clicking in the list for Radmin, no, it's inside the game, you go multiplayer > custom game > local > join and then click refresh to see if I'm in the list or anyone else, if it's empty it means nobody is hosting. To host you need to go multiplayer > custom game > create > (pick map fr om the list you made, if you made one) > join as a player (to both be a hoster and participate in the game as well as a player).
I hope this is clear, but if it's not I'm attaching also a file which explains wh ere you set and how you set a firewall, it's the screenshot above. You have to start game once so the firewall would make an entry in that list or you can add it manually with the button "allow another app..." which you can also see on the screenshot, but in that case you need to navigate to where you unpacked the downloaded game and click on the game's exe which is in my case: C:\games\Y1S0_Vanilla\RainbowSix.exe
vanilla server
network name : Vanilla_rainbow6
password : Vanilla_rainbow6
Hi,My country blocked radmin VPN and I have very friends for playing lan. How can I connect to radmin? Please help me. Thanks.
after i join the r6 networks already created in radmin, i hit refresh when trying to join a match but nothing shows up. another question would be ,how do i make my own game public trough radmin?