How can I change my name in Radmin VPN?
Make a right click on your PC`s name near "ON" button and choose "Change name".
The circle near my PC is yellow instead of green.A yellow icon means that the TRS connection is used (basically a tunnel) and that it passes through our servers (so your connection will be slower). This may be because of network topology and indicates that only a slow connection is possible. We are currently working on improving network speed in all topologies, but this will be available in the next version.
I can`t connect to a remote PC.
1. Check that both PCs (local and remote) are using the latest version of Radmin VPN.
2. Check that Radmin VPN is not blocked by antivirus and firewall.
3. Check if ports 17000-18000 are open.
I get an error 1603.
If you have Windows XP x64 or Windows Server 2003 x64, then, unfortunately, Radmin VPN will not work. If you have another OS, as the installer is not our product, then you can find a solution to this problem by following this link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/834484/you-receive-an-error-1603-a-fatal-error-occurred-during-installation-e
I see “You`re banned” in Radmin VPN.If it is shown that you are blocked or banned it means that at some point there were two PCs with the same ID in Radmin VPN (most likely it was a clone of the original machine). And because of our security measures, this ID was blocked. The only way to solve this issue is by re-registration.
To do this, you need to go to register
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Famatech \ RadminVPN \ 1.0 (for x86)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ WOW6432Node \ Famatech \ RadminVPN \ 1.0 (for x64)
Remove IPv4 IPv6 and RID keys
Change the Alias key to the desired computer name (cannot exceed 32 characters). And restart service. Actions should be taken on both sides. Networks will be cleared.
Please note that if this PC is a network administrator, then administrator rights should be transferred, at least temporarily, to another PC.
I`ve lost access to the PC where my Radmin VPN network was created (PC with administrator rights).Unfortunately, there is no way to restore access to your network in this case. That`s why we strongly advise you to give administrator rights to other PC in your network (make right click on other PC and choose Grant admin rights).
I can't play with my friends in Radmin VPN
To play with a friend make sure that you are in the same Radmin VPN network, have the same game version. The one, who hosts the game should add the game to the firewall exceptions.