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Saving the Data File


I have a couple of questions that will help me understand this system a little better.  
  1. If I don't perform a Save As after filling in all the editable fields (Name, Comments, etc.), where does the data get stored?  And in what format, txt, html, xml?  OR Does it get stored at all?  
  2. If I want to run AIPS on two different computers on the same house network, and I want them to store the data file  in the same network folder, so that each can pull up a consistent data file, is that possible?  
I see where there has been a lot of confusion over storing the data in different formats.  I thought I knew how this worked, but now I'm confused too.  Any help appreciated.  
Comments 5
Radmin Club Team
1.When use Save As.., below you need to  choose format -Save as a type *.html,*.xml and *.csv
2. You can also store it on a network drive, but if the name is the same, then one will overwrites
But what happens if I don't choose Save As before exiting?  Does all the data get wiped?  If not, it must be stored in some file, right?  

And if I do choose Save As, which format should I use that will reload the data the next time I invoke the program? Will they all work?
Let me try to clarify.  When I exit the program and then re-execute it, it comes back with all the device names and comments that I entered.  Obviously it is storing these in some kind of data file.  Where is that file, and what format is it in?  
Radmin Club Team
Comments you can find by  path, here:
C:\Users\user_name (advanced_ip_scanner_Comments.bin)
Ah-HA!  And I assume the Aliases file contains the device names I typed.  This is what
I'm after. looks to me like they are hardwired to go into the \users\username folder.  So they can't be moved to a network folder for other computers to access.  

Well, it was fun while it lasted....
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