Hello, I'm not sure if this is relevant but I've seen a similar result when the router (usually the default gateway on the scanning PC) has proxy-arp enabled. The router responds to pings with the same MAC address for all of the IP addresses it proxies for. Your screenshot doesn't reflect a MAC address for the non existent IP addresses hence I'm not sure if my comment is relevant to your specific scenario.
It can be router or smartphone.
Please, send to us screenshot where shown results of scanning.
Settings > Options > Misc > Delete stored data.
Or does 'Delete stored data' do something else?
Also, have you tried clearing your computer local arp cache?
Instructions for Windows users:
Or, tried running Advanced IP Scanner as an Administrator?
I'm not sure if this is relevant but I've seen a similar result when the router (usually the default gateway on the scanning PC) has proxy-arp enabled. The router responds to pings with the same MAC address for all of the IP addresses it proxies for. Your screenshot doesn't reflect a MAC address for the non existent IP addresses hence I'm not sure if my comment is relevant to your specific scenario.