It was reported on old forum, but still there is no answer - what about proper work of remote pointer shape ("cursor" as some people name it incorrectly)? Since 1809 update, Radmin is no logner fully compatible with win10 - pointer shape not change at all, so user cannot see if he is copying files or moving them, is he used resize function or drag, in graphics software it is even worse - total disaster.
5 months without path - is it some kind of record?
Their are three computers at my office and one at my home office which is the main computer that controls the other three remotely. One of the computers just spins ( looking at each other) when I try calling in and will not let me access ( view ) my computer. This just happened recently and I am asking for help in how to fix this problem. Can anyone tell me what to do to fix this problem ? Thank you
Is anyone else getting an error when trying to activate a new installation of Radmin Sever 3.5.2? Last time this happened, there was a database issue on Famatech's end. I need to see if this is the case again or if something change on our end that needs to be fixed. Thank You, Chris
As of 5:00am MST this morning, I have been unable to connect to the remote computer I access to manage an ongoing business in our community. Nothing on my system, nor the system I access has changed since it was last accessed yesterday.
Now when attempting to connect to the remote system, the system I am connecting to shows that I have connected however on the system I am connecting with Radmin Viewer simply hangs on the loading/Splash image, and does not bring up the remote view.
Searching for a way to solve this has lead me here and given me no solution as of yet.
We have had a user who is constantly having her Radmin window closing on her automatically.
This has happened over the past year.
Has anyone ever experienced this before If so, what was the fix?
All of a sudden, I can connect to several computers on my network. Locally. But when I go home, I see them all. Also, If I go to another PC and use radmin, I see the other computers just fine.
So, clearly, something is going on with my computer. Any ideas why this suddenly happened?